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carrd by my lovely friend jyl!

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Roto's Vlog:

11,792,402 active viewers

⠀Basic info⠀ • 03/13/22

he/him, 20, white, isfp 4w5

⠀Me irl⠀ • 03/13/22

standard dnf criteria, just don't be a weirdo and we're chill. obvs zionists, prohshippers, sh/ed twt, and other gaggles of freaks stay away.

12k Likes • 5k Coments


my friends <3, yyh, horror, bees, spider-man, one piece, atz, bigb4ng, p1h

12k Likes • 5k Coments


weird people and bigots, gore likers, dream, spiders, obnoxiously loud cars

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